Arising Thunder Awake from Darkness Lease of Life The Rage of the Waters Spirit of the Air
Testi e Brani del disco Aqua
Rafael Bittencourt

Dischi di Rafael Bittencourt
Aurora Consurgens
The Course of Nature The Voice Commanding You Ego Painted Grey Breaking Ties Salvation: Suicide
Testi e Brani del disco Aurora Consurgens
Temple Of Shadows
Spread Your Fire Angels and Demons Waiting Silence Wishing Well The Temple of Hate
Testi e Brani del disco Temple Of Shadows
Hunters And Prey
Live and Learn Bleeding Heart Hunters and Prey Eyes of Christ Rebirth
Testi e Brani del disco Hunters And Prey
Nova Era Millennium Sun Acid Rain Heroes of Sand Unholy Wars
Testi e Brani del disco Rebirth
Wings of Reality Petrified Eyes Lisbon Metal Icarus Paradise
Testi e Brani del disco Fireworks
Freedom Call
Freedom Call Painkiller
Testi e Brani del disco Freedom Call
Holy Land
Nothing to Say Silence and Distance Carolina IV Holy Land The Shaman
Testi e Brani del disco Holy Land
Angels Cry
Carry On Time Angels Cry Stand Away Never Understand
Testi e Brani del disco Angels Cry
Reaching Horizons
Evil Warning Time Reaching Horizons Carry On Queen Of The Night
Testi e Brani del disco Reaching Horizons