The Devil's Orchard I Feel the Dark Slither Nepenthe Haxprocess
Testi e Brani del disco Heritage
Anders Nordin

Dischi di Anders Nordin
Coil Heir Apparent The Lotus Eater Burden Porcelain Heart
Testi e Brani del disco Watershed
Ghost Reveries
Ghost of Perdition The Baying of the Hounds Beneath the Mire Atonement Reverie/Harlequin Forest
Testi e Brani del disco Ghost Reveries
Windowpane In My Time of Need Death Whispered a Lullaby Closure Hope Leaves
Testi e Brani del disco Damnation
Wreath Deliverance A Fair Judgement Master's Apprentices By the Pain I See in Others
Testi e Brani del disco Deliverance
Blackwater Park
The Leper Affinity Bleak Harvest The Drapery Falls Dirge for November
Testi e Brani del disco Blackwater Park
Still Life
The Moor Godhead's Lament Benighted Moonlapse Vertigo Face of Melinda
Testi e Brani del disco Still Life
My Arms, Your Hearse
Prologue April Ethereal When Madrigal The Amen Corner
Testi e Brani del disco My Arms, Your Hearse
Advent The Night and the Silent Water Nectar Black Rose Immortal To Bid You Farewell
Testi e Brani del disco Morningrise
In Mist She Was Standing Under the Weeping Moon Forest of October The Twilight Is My Robe The Apostle in Triumph
Testi e Brani del disco Orchid
Energy Don't You Dare I Don't Know If I Should Stay I Just Wanted Your Love If I Should Stay
Testi e Brani del disco Raccolta