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Personaggi famosi - Musica - Sarah Mclachlan

Sarah Mclachlan

Sarah Mclachlan
Nata a: Halifax (Canada)
Data di nascita Sarah Mclachlan: 28 Gennaio 1968

Segno zodiacale: Acquario

Sarah McLachlan e' una cantautrice e cantautrice canadese.



Dischi di Sarah Mclachlan


Laws Of Illusion

Laws Of Illusion

Awakenings Illusions Of Bliss Loving You Is Easy Changes Forgiveness 
Testi e Brani del disco Laws Of Illusion

Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff Vol. 2

Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff Vol. 2

Ordinary Miracle Blackbird Time After Time River When She Loved Me 
Testi e Brani del disco Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff Vol. 2



Happy Xmas (War Is Over) What Child Is This? (Greensleeves) River Wintersong I'll Be Home For Christmas 
Testi e Brani del disco Wintersong



Fallen World On Fire Stupid Drifting Train Wreck 
Testi e Brani del disco Afterglow



Building A Mystery Hold On Good Enough I Will Remember You Adia 
Testi e Brani del disco Mirrorball



Building A Mystery I Love You Sweet Surrender Angel Witness 
Testi e Brani del disco Surfacing

Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff

Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff

Dear God I Will Remember You Fear (Lunasol Remix) Gloomy Sunday Full Of Grace 
Testi e Brani del disco Rarities, B Sides And Other Stuff

The Freedom Sessions

The Freedom Sessions

Elsewhere Plenty Mary Good Enough Hold On 
Testi e Brani del disco The Freedom Sessions



Drawn To The Rhythm Into The Fire The Path Of Thorns (Terms) I Will Not Forget You Lost 
Testi e Brani del disco Solace



1 Thing All I Need Touch Not the Only One Like It Used to Be 
Testi e Brani del disco Touch



Energy Don't You Dare I Don't Know If I Should Stay I Just Wanted Your Love If I Should Stay 
Testi e Brani del disco Raccolta



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