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Personaggi famosi - Musica - Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton
Nato a: Milburn (Usa)
Data di nascita Blake Shelton: 18 Giugno 1976

Segno zodiacale: Gemelli

Blake Tollison Shelton e' un cantante e musicista statunitense.



Dischi di Blake Shelton


Hillbilly Bone

Hillbilly Bone

Hillbilly Bone Kiss My Country Ass You'll Always Be Beautiful 
Testi e Brani del disco Hillbilly Bone

Startin' Fires

Startin' Fires

Green Good At Startin' Fires She Wouldn't Be Gone I'll Just Hold On 100 Miles 
Testi e Brani del disco Startin' Fires

Pure Bs

Pure Bs

This Can't Be Good Don't Make Me The More I Drink I Don't Care She Don't Love Me 
Testi e Brani del disco Pure Bs

Blake Shelton's Barn & Grill

Blake Shelton's Barn & Grill

Some Beach Nobody but Me Good Old Boy, Bad Old Boyfriend Love Gets in the Way Goodbye Time 
Testi e Brani del disco Blake Shelton's Barn & Grill

The Dreamer

The Dreamer

Heavy Liftin' The Baby Ashpalt Cowboy In My Heaven The Dreamer 
Testi e Brani del disco The Dreamer

Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton

Every Time I Look at You All Over Me She Doesn't Know She's Got It Austin Ol' Red 
Testi e Brani del disco Blake Shelton



Energy Don't You Dare I Don't Know If I Should Stay I Just Wanted Your Love If I Should Stay 
Testi e Brani del disco Raccolta



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Blake Shelton, biografia Blake Shelton, data di nascita Blake Shelton, canzoni Blake Shelton, album Blake Shelton, musica Blake Shelton, testi Blake Shelton, elenco album Blake Shelton, tutti i testi di Blake Shelton, testi di Blake Shelton, Shelton cantante, Shelton musica, Blake Tollison Shelton, Blake Shelton all anagrafe Blake Tollison Shelton